I've had these little stools for many years. I purchased them at a discount design store. In there first life they we're black with furry zebra fabric.I would put them around my coffee table and they we're great for friends to gather and talk. I decided, after painting the metal bases, that I would be bold and cover each one in a different favorite fabric. I collect trims, especially vintage pom pom fringe trims. The hardest ones to find are these really large ones i used here. The turquoise is one of the hardest colors to get, and when i took it out of it's storage bag, i realized i had just enough ,plus 3 inches left over- perfect!! I've also wanted to do the same with my dining chairs. Sometime i fight myself over going to the wild side because it just seems a little too crazy to mix all those different colors and fabrics. When I did my moms couch, I went through the same inner fight, and when i was done, it looked SOOO fantastic!!!! Which means, I should get going on those dining chairs . My biggest dilemma is: all lime green bush fringe , or mix'em up depending on the fabrics I decide to use????? Hot pink, light pink , lime green, yellow , bubble gum pink, and.... um? I would have to think of what other color brush fringes i have..... Oh!! of course-turquoise!! I hope every body had a great day :-)